Com Tec Co (CTC) IT services delivery center in Latvia

Certificates can be received from such famous certification providers as:

Professional development

Internal trainings

Learning is an everyday process at C.T.Co and is embedded into the company’s core philosophy. At C.T.Co we stimulate learning at all levels and make sure that this process is comes naturally and is supported by all employees. Professionals here are keen on learning and sharing the knowledge acquired thus there is much to learn with us.

Training sessions facilitated by our Training and Knowledge Management (TKM) department help with developing various IT, Management, Business and Soft skills. Furthermore, our employees are able to learn and get certified in a self-learning mode as well while the internal and external trainers provide support and coordination service to their self-study activities.

External trainings and certification

Our employees have possibility and motivation to work in the field of personal development, finishing learning process and receiving worldwide recognizable certifications. TKM carefully investigates the options and selects the professionals with good references as external trainers. We are organizing both: class room and online trainings depending on the topic, trainer and people availability.

Seminars, lectures, conferences

We are interested in giving a chance to the younger talents, therefore we cooperate with the biggest universities and institutes in Latvia like LU, RTU and TSI. Our professionals conduct IT-themed guest sessions and presentations in order to attract students and give them a vision of technologies and methods used in real project life-cycle.

C.T.Co employees participate in many IT and Management conferences both in Latvia and abroad - not only as participants but also as guest speakers, while receiving interesting experience and raising the company brand awareness in the IT world.

We regularly organize knowledge sharing sessions that are intended to spread conference experience across the company. Every employee has an opportunity to attend or check the recording at a more convenient time.

C.T.Co Town Hall

Professional development

Upskilling via instructor-led trainings and online courses, inviting professional coaches, and using our own capabilities to train our people.
Case studies describing our approach to a particular tasks/projects in order to elicit intensive discussion regarding how’s and why’s that resulting in improved outcomes/
Training programs (including options for cross-specializing to additional proficiencies) to support and promote T-shape model making CTC experts more adaptable, collaborative, and capable of addressing multifaceted challenges in the tech industry.
Professional communities where people come together around a common theme to share the information and experience or find the best and most efficient solution.
Electronic libraries and subscriptions to keep up with newest IT trends and technologies enable access to vast knowledge base on professional topics.
Mentoring practice is used both for a new employees after joining the company to simplify their induction, as well as for the employees interested to boost their knowledge and get to the next professional level.
International conferences to enhance our people capabilities, learn best practices, network with other IT professionals, getting inspiration, bringing new ideas to their work, that is boosting their productivity. The knowledge sharing sessions upon the return is a must practice to spread gained useful knowledge across the company.
Peer coaching between the colleagues when they purposefully discuss and share suggestions in order to find the most efficient solution and help each other to grow.